Thursday, June 9, 2011

Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide Flood: Mt. St. Helens, Palouse Canyon, Observations at an Australian Beach

Mt. St. Helens: 
Three separate eruptions produced  sedimentary-type layers hundreds of feet thick.  One of these was a hurricane velocity deposit that produced thousands of thin  laminations up to 25 feet thick  10,11,12  The third eruption was a  lava flow,  which  turned into a hot mud-flow as it  crossed the Toutle River.  This hot mud flow not only diverted  the  river, but carved a 17 mile long  series of canyons (up to 140 feet deep)in a matter of hours.  They call it the Little Grand Canyon of  the Toutle River." 20,21,22   And to this very day, the neither the mass media, nor any  popular  "science" publications have told the public what happened. 23  For more on this see  Mt. St. Helens: Evidence in Support of Biblical Catastrophe.

Palouse Canyon:  
In Eastern Washington State there is a canyon that was eroded  through solid  basalt by Lake Missoula floods in 1-2 days. This canyon is  300 to 500 feet deep.  See references below for more information. 24,25,26,27,28 

Observations at an Australian Beach:  At Greenmount  Beach on the Gold Coast of Queensland, an interesting thing occurred: "clear laminations, or layering, in the sand--formed  by  the separation of  normal silica-sand grains and smaller, denser mineral sand-grains such as rutile which are dark  in color.. The  layering was present along the whole sand mass exposed." 29   Emphasis Added

"This was produced as a result of a beach restoration project (which involved) the dredging of  sand  from  (a) sand bar (on) the Tweed River and  carrying it  by ship several kilometres north to the southern  Gold Coast beaches, where it was pumped ashore as a water/sand slurry through a large pipe to the beach."  29  See also Talking About Geology / Varves. 30  Emphasis Added

Tomorrow: Spontaneous Sorting of Layers and Turbidity Currents


  1. Berg, Randy S., Evidence for a Young Earth, #10: Axel Heiberg Island,
  2. Oard, Michael J., A tropical reptile in the 'Cretaceous' Arctic,
  3. Rupke, N. A., Creation Research Soc. Quart.,  Vol. 3, 1966, p. 25.
  4. Ham, Ken, "I got excited at Mount St. Helens!," Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 15, No, 3, June-Aug., 1993, pp. 14-19.
  5. Austin, Steven A., "Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe," 1994, Institute for Creation Research, Santee
    CA, 92071, pp. 37-39,94, 97-98.
  6. Morris, John D., Ph.D. (geology), The Young Earth, 1994, Creation Life Publishers, Inc., pp. 106-107.
  7. Pendick, Daniel, "Return to Mount St. Helens," Earth, April 1995, pp. 22-33. This article shows a picture of the
    canyon taken from about a mile away. No mention is made of the finely layered laminations in the 11-page
    article.  With regard to the 600 feet of layered strata, the article says: "The very top layer contains the
    occasional falls of ash that rained down 15 years ago." p. 33. The 17 mile long canyon that rerouted to Toutle
     River is referred to as "the 17-mile-long landslide that filled the Toutle River Valley." p. 33.  NOVA also did a
    special on Mt. St. Helens, called: "Return to Mt. St. Helens;" however, their coverage was just as pitiful.
    Passing  mentions are made in "Mount St. Helens: Eruption and Recovery of a Volcano," by Rob Carson, 1990,
    2000, Sasquach Books, Seattle, WA, 160 pp.  See pages: 66, 72, 73, 102, 107, 109, 151, 152, 156.  Passing mention
    is also made in "Mt St. Helens--in pictures: The Continuing Story, by James P. Quiring, 1994, KC Publications,
    Inc., See pp. 34, 39 and 42. For more on this see: Mt. St. Helens: Evidence in Support of Biblical Catastrophe, at
  8. Austin, Steven, "Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe," 1994, Institute for Creation Research, Santee CA,
    pp. 94-97.
  9. Morris, Henry M., and Parker, Gary E., What is Creation Science, 1987, Master Books, pp. 173-174.
  10. "The Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington," Free USGS Pamphlet.
  11. Gould, Steven J., "The Great Scablands Debate," Natural History, Aug-Sept. 1978
  12. Allen, John, and Marjorie Burns, with Samuel Sargent, Cataclysms On The Columbia, Timber Press, Portland, Or.
  13. Batten, Don, "Sandy Stripes--Do many layers mean many years?"  Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 19, No. 1, Dec. 1996
    -- Feb. 1997,  pp. 39-40.
  14. Talking About Geology: Varves;

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